Weiterführende Informationen | further information
Charles Eisenstein: The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible (English)
Charles Eisenstein: Die schönere Welt, die unser Herz kennt, ist möglich (German)
Clinton Callahan: https://www.amazon.de/Clinton-Callahan/e/B0045AOH78
Prof. Dr. Gerald Hüther: Etwas mehr Hirn, bitte. Eine Einladung zur Wiederentdeckung der Freude am eigenen Denken und der Lust am gemeinsamen Gestalten (only in German)
Harvey Jackins: The Human Side of Human Beings. The Theory of Re-evaluation Counseling. (English)
Harvey Jackins: Die Menschliche Seite der Menschen. Die Theorie des Neuauswertungs-Counseling. (PDF German)
Manitonquat: Der Weg des Kreises (German)
Manitonquat: The Circle Way (English)
Manitonquat: Rückkehr zur Schöpfung (German)
Manitonquat: Return to Creation (English)
Marshall B. Rosenberg: Gewaltfreie Kommunikation. Eine Sprache des Lebens
Marshall B. Rosenberg: Nonviolent Communication. A Language of Life
M. Scott Peck: The Different Drum: Community Making and Peace (English)
Gemeinschaftsbildung. Der Weg zur authentischen Gemeinschaft. (German)
Nanonationen und Gemeinschaften/ NANONATIONS AND COMMUNITIES
Nanonations Website: https://www.nanonations.org
To CREATE your own nanonation you will find valuable assistance at: Ecovillage Design Education:
www.gaiaeducation.org (only in English)
Diana Leafe Christian’s book Creating a Life Together
www.dianaleafechristian.org (only in English)
Hildur Jackson’s books Ecovillage Living and Creating Harmony and her articles: www.gaia.org/gaia/resources/articles (only in English)
Fellowship for Intentional Community:
www.ic.org (English only)
Transition Town movement:
Diana Leafe Christian’s book Finding Community:
Temporary Autonomous Zones (TAZ): https://dreamtimevillage.org/articles/permanent_taz.html
Permanent Autonomous Zones (PAZ): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Permanent_autonomous_zone
Arcosanti, Arizona, USA www.arcosanti.org
Boom! Festival, Portugal: https://www.boomfestival.org/
Possibilica https://possibilica.mystrikingly.com/
Burning Man, Nevada: https://www.burningman.org
Co-op Village Foundation: www.co-opvillagefoundation.org/
Community Solution: www.communitysolution.org/
Damanhur, Italy: https://www.damanhur.org/en
Dancing Rabbit, Missouri: www.dancingrabbit.org/
Earthaven, North Carolina: https://www.earthaven.org/
Earthrights Ecovillages: www.earthrights.net/ecovillages/
Earthships Biotecture Academy: https://www.earthship.com
Ecodorp: www.ecodorp.nl/welkom/index.php?hoofd_id=1
Eurotopia (listing of EU Communities /Katalog von Gemeinschaften in Europa): www.eurotopia.de/
The Farm, Tennesee: www.thefarm.org/
Findhorn, Scotland: www.ecovillagefindhorn.org/
Forest Dance, Costa Rica: https://www.heartbeatcollective.org/forestdance/costa
Fusion Festival, Germany: https://www.fusion-festival.de/
GEN Europe: www.gen-europe.org/
Global Ecovillage Network (GEN): https://www.ecovillage.org
Fellowship of Intentional Communities (IC): www.ic.org/, https://directory.ic.org/iclist/cmtylist_newest.php
Haslachhof, Germany: https://www.gemeinschaft-haslachhof.de
Heckenbeck, Germany: https://www.heckenbeck-online.de/
Kufunda Village, Africa: www.kufunda.org/
InTerraTree, Togo: valhallamovement.com/InTerraTree
Lammas Eco-Village in Wales – UK’s most prominent sustainable living community : https://propertyworkshop.com/eco-home/eco-village/
Lenzwald, Germany: https://www.pulsdererde.org
Lucidity Festival, California: https://www.lucidityfestival.com/
Nanonations Org: https://www.nanonations.org
Niederkaufungen, Germany www.kommune-niederkaufungen.de
New Earth Project: https://newearthproject.org/
New Earth Haven, Bali: https://newearthhaven.com/
New Earth Nation: https://newearthnation.org/
Oasis Design: www.oasisdesign.net/
OTEPIC, Kenya: https://www.otepic.org/
Pacha Mama Camp, Germany: https://www.pacha-mama-camp.de/
Puls der Erde, Germany: https://www.pulsdererde.org
Republic of Lakota, North America: https://www.republicoflakotah.com/
Sacred Lifeboats / www.sacredlifeboats.com/
Schloss Glarisegg, Switzerland: https://schloss-glarisegg.ch/
Sieben Linden, Germany: https://siebenlinden.de/
Tamera, Portugal: https://www.tamera.org
Tempelhof, Germany: https://www.schloss-tempelhof.de
The Last Straw: https://www.thelaststraw.org/
Utopival, Germany: https://www.utopival.org/
Valhalla Movement, Quebec, Canada www.valhallamovement.com
Vlierhof, Netherlands: https://www.vlierhof.org/en/home/
Yubia, California: https://www.ic.org/directory/yubia-permanent-autonomous-zone/
Zegg, Germany: https://www.zegg.de
Zukunftszentrum Nieklitz, Germany: https://wirbauenzukunft.de/
Alternative Nachrichten/ ALTERNATIVE NEWS SITES
About My Planet: www.aboutmyplanet.com/
Adademia/Independent: https://independent.academia.edu/
Alternet: https://www.alternet.org/
Arctic News / Sam Carana: https://arctic-news.blogspot.de/
Buzz Flash: https://www.truth-out.org/buzzflash/
Collapsing Into Consciousness: www.collapsingintoconsciousness.com
Care2 Com News: https://www.care2.com/news/
Carolyn Baker News: https://carolynbaker.net/
Citizens for Legitimate Government (CLG) News: https://www.legitgov.org/
Common Dreams: https://www.commondreams.org/
Conscious Media Movement: https://www.consciousmediamovement.org/
Counter Currents: https://www.countercurrents.org/
Counter Punch: https://www.counterpunch.org/
Cromulent Economics Blog: https://www.env-econ.net/
Global Research Center: https://www.globalresearch.ca/
Grist Org: https://grist.org/
Eco Village Voice – global online community & magazine: https://ecovillagevoice.com
Living On Earth: https://www.loe.org/
Mindfully Org: https://www.mindfully.org/
Media With Conscience (MWC) News: https://www.mwcnews.net/
Next Culture News https://nextculturenews.org
One World: www.oneworld.org/
OpEdNews: https://www.opednews.com
Peoples Voice: https://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/
Planet Extinction News / John James: https://www.planetextinction.com
Positive News: www.positivenews.org.uk/
Resilience Org: https://www.resilience.org/
Truth Out Org: https://www.truth-out.org/
Wadada News for Kids: https://www.wadadanewsforkids.org/
Yes Magazine: https://www.yesmagazine.org/
1 Sky Org: www.1sky.org/about
350 Org: www.350.org
4 Years For The Fish www.action4fish.org
Ashoka / Changemakers: https://www.changemakers.com/
Avaaz: https://www.avaaz.org
Buycott (APP program): https://buycott.com/
Care2 Petitions: https://www.thepetitionsite.com/
End Ecocide on Earth: https://www.endecocide.org/sign/
Eye Contact Experiment: https://www.eyecontactexperiment.com/
Friends Of The Earth: www.foe.org/
Gaia Education: https://www.gaiaeducation.org
Games for Change www.gamesforchange.org
Grass Roots Peace: www.grassrootspeace.org/
Green Belt Movement (Afrika): www.greenbeltmovement.org/
Good Country Index: https://www.goodcountry.org
Happy Planet Index: https://www.happyplanetindex.org
Homes Not Bombs: www.homesnotbombs.ca/
International Tribunal for Natural Justice Committee: https://itnjcommittee.org/
Lorna Salzman Blog: www.lornasalzman.com
Mehr Demokratie: www.mehr-demokratie.de
Mother Earth: www.motherearth.org/index.php
Move On: www.moveon.org/about.html
Natural Resources Defense Council: https://www.nrdc.org/
Occupy: https://www.occupy.com/
Occupy Deutschland: https://www.occupydeutschland.de/
Pacha Mama Alliance: https://www.pachamama.org/
Planet Ark: www.planetark.com/
Project Kaisei – Clean the Oceans: www.projectkaisei.org
Project Peace www.projectpeace.de
Regenerators Org / Erik Lawyer: https://regenerators.org/
ReSCOPE / Mugove Walter Nyika: https://www.seedingschools.org/blog/94-permaculture-in-schools-in-southern-and-eastern-africa
Resilience Circles: www.localcircles.org
Sepp Holzer Permaculture: https://www.seppholzer.at/
Transition US: www.transitionus.org
The Impact Hub – Global: www.impacthub.net
The Wild Foundation: www.wild.org
Thrive Movement: www.thrivemovement.com
Valhalla Movement: https://valhallamovement.com/
Wise Democracy / Jim Rough: https://www.wisedemocracy.org/
World Changers, Transition Trainers: www.world-changers.org
World Prout Assembly: www.worldproutassembly.org/
Zeitgeist Movement: www.thezeitgeistmovement.com
Alternatives Wissen, Initiationen ins Erwachsensein/ ALTERNATIVE EDUCATION, ADULTHOOD INITIATIONS:
Authentic Adulthood Initiatory Processes https://initiations.org
Circle Way, Germany: https://www.circleway-germany.de/
Circle Way, International: https://www.circleway.org
Circling: https://www.circlinginstitute.com/ (english), https://circlingeurope.com/ (english), https://circling-deutschland.de/ (deutsch)
Fellowship of Intentional Community: https://www.ic.org/
Gemeinschaftsbildung nach Scott Peck: https://www.netzwerk-gemeinschaftsbildung.com/
Gewaltfreie Kommunikation. Training in Konfliktkompetenz: https://www.gabriele-seils.de/
Next Culture Organizations (deutsch): https://nextculture-organizations.org/de/
Next Culture Organizations (English): https://nextcultureorganizations.org/en/
Nonviolent Communication Center: https://www.cnvc.org/
Possibility Management: https://possibilitymanagement.org (English und Deutsch)
Re-evaluation Counseling: https://www.rc.org/
StartOver.xyz Online Thoughtware Upgrade Game https://spaceport.mystrikingly.com/
Sociocracy: https://www.sociocracy.info/
Soziokratie: https://www.soziokratie.at/ , https://www.soziokratie.org/
Alternative Gesundheit/ALTERNATIVE HEALTH
Artabana –selbstorganisierte Solidargemeinschaft (only in German)
Feelings Practitioner Training https://feelingspractitioner.com
Alternative Wirtschaft/ALTERNATIVE ECONOMY
Alternative Enterprise Design (only in English): https://postgrowth.org/
Become Money https://becomemoney.mystrikingly.co
Bill McKibben – Deep Economy (book)
David Korten – The Great Turning (book) www.livingeconomiesforum.org
Gradido – Natürliche Ökonomie des Lebens (only in German):
REconomy Org – Local Economies www.reconomy.org
Video: Non-profit Economy (deutsche Untertitel):
Video: Non-profit Economy (English subtitles):
Video: Charles Eisenstein – Sacred Economics (Deutscher Untertitel)
Weitere Personen und Organisationen/ MORE PERSONS AND ORGANISATIONS:
Abenteuer Wahre Liebe, Germany – Heike Whitaker: www.abenteuer-wahre-liebe.de
Aboriginal Living Skills / Cody Lundin: www.alssadventures.com/
Alexandro Jodorowsky – Psychomagic: www.alejandro-jodorowsky.de/aktuell/aktuell.php (deutsch)
André Stern – … und ich war nie in der Schule (book): https://www.andrestern.com
Angaangaq Angakkorsuaq – Ice Wisdom: www.icewisdom.org
ANewGaia Community: https://anewgaia.ning.com/
Anna Schuster & Paul Rogers: www.nextculture-us.com
Anne & Thomas Schmid: www.leichtigkeitdurchtraining.de/
Arnold & Amy Mindell – Worldwork, X and U Process: www.aamindell.net
Barbara Marx Hubbard – Foundation for Conscious Evolution: www.barbaramarxhubbard.com
Belief Closet: www.beliefcloset.com
Bill Kauth & Zoe Alowan – We Need Each Other (book): www.sacredlifeboats.com
Brad Blanton – Radical Honesty (book): www.radicalhonesty.com
Britta Reichard: www.respektrum.de
California Home Schooling Association: https://www.hsc.org/home-page.html
Carolyn Baker – Speaking Truth To Power: www.carolynbaker.net
Christina Baldwin & Ann Linnea – The Circle Way: A Leader in Every Chair (book): https://www.thecircleway.net/
Claudio Naranjo – Pionier der “Human Potential”-Bewegung: www.naranjo-sat.com
Coalitions of Mutual Endeavor: www.comeweb.org
Co-Intelligence Institute: www.co-intelligence.org
Dagmar Thürnagel & Michael Hallinger: www.aufbruch-trainings.de
Dahlia Abramovic & Katharina Kaifler & Cornelius Butz: www.4koerpertraining.de
Daniel Quinn – Ishmael (book): www.ishmael.org
Daniel Suarez – Daemon and Freedom (books): www.thedaemon.com
Danny Running Bear August – Four Directions Gifting Circle: https://sites.google.com/site/controlledfollyproductions/home
David Diamond – Theatre for Living: www.headlinestheatre.com
David Holmgren – Crash On Demand (essay) Permaculture: https://holmgren.com.au
David Seacord – Sufi Cherag Reverend: www.davidseacord.com
Dennis Gallagher – Samadhisoft: www.samadhisoft.com
Derrick Jensen – Endgame (book): www.derrickjensen.org
Design for a better world: https://inhabitat.com/
Dirk Schröder, Wildnisschule Chiemgau: https://www.elementar-erfahrungen.de
Donnie Maclurcan – What On Earth (book) Post Growth Org: www.postgrowth.org
Doyle Canning – Center for Story Based Strategy: www.storybasedstrategy.org
Dragon Dreaming International: www.dragondreaming.org
Dream Change: www.dreamchange.org
Duane Elgin – Awakening Earth (book) Great Transition Stories: www.duaneelgin.com
Edible Schoolyard: https://www.edibleschoolyard.org
Elevate Films www.elevate.us
Engaged Mindfulness Institute: https://engagedmindfulness.org/
Feuerlauf, Germany: www.feuerlauf-seminare.de
Food Revolution Network: www.foodrevolution.org
Frances Moore Lappé and Anna Lappé – Small Planet (book): www.smallplanet.org
Frederick Churchill – Winga (next generation wind turbine): www.organoworld.com
Fü(hr) den Wandel: www.fuer-den-wandel.de
Gesellschaft für angewandte Tiefenökologie (Deep Ecology): www.tiefenoekologie.de
Gesundheit Institute / Patch Adams: https://www.patchadams.org
Gewaltfreie Kommunikation, Klaus Kilmer-Kirsch & Monika Flörchinger – www.gewaltfrei-niederkaufungen.de, www.gewaltfrei.de
Green School, Bali: www.greenschool.org
Group 8 Education, Australia: www.gr8education.com
Herwig Kopp – Normalum: www.normalum.com
Homaya Amar & Yuval Rivlin – Divine Intervention: www.amarhomaya.com
Howard Mason – New Possibilities Associates: www.newpossibilitiesassociates.com
Ideenabenteurer: https://www.zukunftsgarten.eu/
James Hansen – Storms of My Grandchildren (book): www.columbia.edu/~jeh1/
Jean Francois Rischard – High Noon book: www.bigthink.com/users/jeanfrancoisrischard
Jeremy Rifkin – The Empathic Civilization (RSA video): www.foet.org
Jim & Jean Rough – Dynamic Facilitation: www.dynamicfacilitation.com
Wise Democracy: www.wisedemocracy.org
Joachim Müller: www.aktivision.net
John & Hilary James – Planet Extinction: www.planetextinction.com, www.cruciblecentre.com
John Michael Greer – The Archdruid Report: https://thearchdruidreport.blogspot.com
John Perkins – Secret History of the American Empire (book): www.johnperkins.org
John Renesch – Great Growing Up (book): https://futureshapers.ning.com
John Robb – Brave New War (book): www.homefreeamerica.us
John Shearer – Mindfulness Coach: https://www.mindfulnesscoach.com.au/
John & Jennifer Welwood – Something Will Occur Mystery School: www.jenniferwelwood.com
John & Vivienne Benton – Benton Productions www.productions.benton.net.au
Jonathan Sprungk: www.jonathan-sprungk.de
Kaos Pilot: www.kaospilot.dk
Keith Varnum – Fun Shui: www.thedream.com
Kosha Anja Joubert & Robin Alfred – Beyond You and Me (book)
Laura Grace Weldon – Free Range Learning (book) Bit of Earth Farm www.bitofearthfarm.wordpress.com
Lester Brown – Plan B (book) Earth Policy Org www.earth-policy.org
Linda Adams – Parent Effectiveness Training (book) www.gordontraining.com
Lynn Roberts, Healing Teacher and Shamanism: https://llynroberts.com/
Lysis Films: www.lysisfilms.com
Malidoma Patrice Somé – Of Water and the Spirit (book): www.malidoma.com, www.eastcoastvillage.org/
Mandaza Augustine Kandemwa – Shaman: www.mandaza.com
Margaret Wheatley: www.margaretwheatley.com
Marianne Zittlau: https://zauberfrau.tv
Marina Deeken & Ralf Kolem: www.liquid-talk.de
Martin Drzisga – martin.drzisga.online
Martin Prechtel – Secrets of the Talking Jaguar & Long Life Honey In The Heart (books) Flowering Mountain Center www.floweringmountain.com
Michael Pörtner & Michaela Kaiser: www.michaelpoertner.com
Mick Dodge / Barefoot Sensei: https://www.theearthgym.com/
Möglichkeitenraum: www.moeglichkeitenraum.de
Monika Flörchinger – Gewaltfrei Trainerin: gfk-trainer-werden.de/assessorinnen-teams/team-nord-ost
Muse School: www.museschool.org
National Coalition for Dialog and Deliberation (NCDD): https://ncdd.org/
Nature Bats Last / Guy McPherson: https://guymcpherson.com/
NCRTC YouTube Channel – Videos: www.youtube.com/user/CallahanAcademy
New Paradigm of Leadership: www.gaiasoft.com
Nicholas Joyce – InTerraTree / Drums for Development: www.nicholasjoyce.com
Nick Osborne – Transition Trainers: www.response-ability.org.uk
Nicola Nagel: www.viva-essenza.de
Open Source Ecology: www.opensourceecology.org
OTEPIC – Organic Technology Extension and Promotion of Initiative Centre: https://organicfarminghealingtherift.blogspot.de/
Pachamama Learning Center, Costa Rica: www.pachamama.com
Patrizia Servidio: www.lebe-deine-berufung.de
Paul Chefurka – Approaching the Limits to Growth: www.paulchefurka.ca
Peter Ellyard – Designing 2050: www.designing2050.com
Peter Kuder: www.kuder-coaching.de
Peter Merry – Evolutionary Leadership (book) www.petermerry.org
Peter van Oosterhout: www.ki-coach.com
Post Carbon Institute: www.postcarbon.org
Raum der Möglichkeiten, Georg Pollitt & Hilde Mohren: www.harbigarr.ch
Rhea Bredel: www.rheabredel.de
Richard Olivier – Olivier Mythodrama: www.oliviermythodrama.com
Rick Pursell – Cause No Harm Org: www.cause-no-harm.com
Reflections Resource Center: www.reflections.com.hk
Rob Hopkins – Transition Culture Blog: www.transitionnetwork.org/blogs/rob-hopkins
Robert & Rosalind Fritz – Creating (book) www.robertfritz.com
Robert Wolff – Original Wisdom (book) https://wildwolff.mystrikingly.com/
Robert & Lianna Gilman – Context Institute www.context.org
Robin Hanson – Overcoming Bias: www.overcomingbias.com
Ron Bosanquet – Leonis School: www.leonis.org
Ross & Hildur Jackson – Occupy World Street (book) www.occupyworldstreet.org, GEN (Global Ecovillage Network) www.gaia.org
Sebastian Goder – Films / Mind Life Balance / Power Bridging www.sebastiangoder.de
Seeding Schools Afric: www.seedingschools.org
School of Lost Borders: www.schooloflostborders.org
Schweibenalp, Switzerland – Sundar Dreyfus: www.schweibenalp.ch
SelfDesign Highschool: www.selfdesignhigh.org
Sharron Ragan – Intuitive Consultation: www.sharronragan.com
Shayla Wright – Wide Awake Heart: www.wideawakeheart.net
Sobonfu Somé – Wisdom Spring: www.sobonfu.com
Social Innovation Exchange (Directory): www.socialinnovationexchange.org
Sonia Willaredt: www.cometolife-trainings.org
Sounds True – Many Voices, One Journey: www.soundstrue.com
Stefan Heyland – Spirit Journey: www.spirit-journey.de
Stefanie Heidtmann: www.sayitoutloud.de
Stefan & Julia Mandel: https://www.light-on-earth.com/
Stephen Jenkinson – Orphan Wisdom: www.orphanwisdom.com
Stephen Karpman – Drama Triangle & TA: www.karpmandramatriangle.com
Steve & Trudy Bhaerman – Swami Beyondananda: www.wakeuplaughing.com
Stewart Brand – The Long Now Foundation: www.longnow.org
Suzanne Taylor – Mighty Companions: www.mightycompanions.org
SwitchOn Radio for changemakers by changemakers: https://www.spreaker.com/user/musicmatters
Titanic Lifeboat Academy: https://www.titaniclifeboatacademy.org
Tom Atlee Blog: https://www.tomatleeblog.com/
Transactional Analysis, New Zealand: www.talkingworks.co.nz/pro/training/atati/Transactional+Analysis+training+in+Auckland.html
Transition What Com: https://transitionwhatcom.ning.com
Tonic Gold (alchemical elixer): www.tonicgold.com
Unitar: www.unitar.org/
Unlearning (documentary): https://www.unlearning.it/
Valerie Lankford – Four Feelings and What To Do With Them / TA: www.valcanhelp.com
Venus Project – beyond politics, poverty and war: https://www.thevenusproject.com/
Walden Labs: https://waldenlabs.com/
Warren Moon – Wilderness Awareness School (Anake): www.wildernessawareness.org
William Glasser – Choice Theory (book): www.wglasser.com
Years of Living Dangerously!: www.yearsoflivingdangerously.com
Youth Initiative Program: https://www.yip.se/
Youth Passageways: https://www.youthpassageways.org
Verlage/ PRESS
Next Culture Press: https://www.nextculturepress.org
Genius Verlag: www.genius-verlag.de/
Hohm Press; www.hohmpress.com
Weitere Links/ MORE LINKS